Over the past couple of months I have been in the market for a pocket pistol. You see, I carry a Springfield XD Sub Compact regularly but there are times when it is just a little to big and bulky. For those times, I needed something small that could be discretely slipped into a pocket.
The two heavy contenders fighting for my hard earned money were the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard and the Ruger LCP. Both guns are quality products and frequently recommended by the gun community. To complicate things even more I decided to also look at the Taurus TCP and Kel-Tec P-3AT.
I began making trips to local guns shop to handle and ask about the above listed guns. After a trip to the shop I would hit the internet and compare notes against what I saw. Sometimes I would find forum or bog posts pointing out flaws or features which I may have missed during my trip out to the gun shop. This, of course, would initiate another visit to the shop to investigate.
After several trips, in which I probably became that annoying guy that always comes in to look at the pocket pistols but never buys one, I narrowed it down to the Ruger LCP and the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard. I made one last trip to the gun shop to make my decision and was mere seconds away from saying I’ll take the LCP when I thought about my wife.
It never occurred to me that in the event that my pocket pistol wasn’t in my pocket, it would be at home with my wife. In the event that she ever needed to use it, I thought that the larger sights and added laser would make the Bodyguard a bit more practical for her (and for me too, to be honest).
With a decision made, I handed over my drivers license and got started on the paperwork. When the background check was clear, I walked out of the shop as a proud new owner of a Smith & Wesson Bodyguard.
What do you use for Pocket Carry?
If you are considering a pocket pistol, which models are you looking at?
12 thoughts on “Selecting a Pocket Pistol to Suit My Needs”
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Nice video Walt.
I’m a big fan of the Ruger LCR revolver for pocket pistol. Good call on avoiding open trigger holsters!
Revolvers are good for reliability and ease of use, especially for your wife if she doesn’t shoot often. The trigger is also around 10lbs so its a bit lighter. For a pocket pistol sites are meaningless. Its a point and shoot scenario.
+1 on Crossbreed super tuck. A great holster.
I’ve always wanted to get a revolver but I’m hesitant with the price. They seem to be more expensive than some of the common semi-auto pistols, at least in the case of Smith & Wesson anyway. I’l have to check out the Ruger LCR sometime. I’ve heard a lot of good things about it.
Thanks for watching and commenting
Great informative video. What I found to be the most interesting about it is the fact that I am going through the same process as you did. I too have it narrowed down to the LCP and BODYGUARD. My father has both the LCP and LC9 which I have shot. The LCP has the crimson trace laser sight. I have shot both and am satisfied but not particularly happy. To a point that doesnt make much difference since it will be used at ultra close range and just needs to function, pretty much point and shhot at that stage. The LC9 doesn’t shoot well, at least for me, and the LCP is a little uncomfortable and a strain on the eyes w/out the laser. I’ll be interested to see the results you get with the BODYGUARD at the range.
The gun shop that I purchased the Bodyguard from had a Ruger LCP with added laser sight. I think the price was around $430. Comparing the LCP with laser to the Bodyguard, with built in laser, I thought the Smith & Wesson was a better buy. The profile even seemed a little smaller because the laser was integrated into the frame.
I’m looking forward to hearing what you decide in a pocket pistol.
I’m going to try and make it to the range this weekend to feed some rounds through the Bodyguard. I’ll let you know how it works out.
Thanks for watching and commenting.
The Ruger LCR is fairly inexpensive. I think around $325 if memory serves me. Much cheaper than S&W. It’s light, great trigger (better than S&W with trigger jobs) and has a nice grip on it. I don’t recommend the model with the laser site, the standard rubber grips are excellent. I like Hornaday Critical Defense rounds in it (no plus P). It fits in the pocket nicely, although to be honest this is something I seldom do. Mostly IWB with something a little larger.
PS. Love the cigar reviews on stogiereview.
At $325 that is definitely something worth looking into. I want a revolver just because.
I use Hornady TAP FPD in my Springfield XD. The more I look at the Critical Defense (with the polymer filled hollow-point) the more I want to pick up a box. The stuff gets expensive though.
Thanks for the comment
Hi Walt, enjoyed your review, the S&W, looks good,like I said before, I own two S&W’s, looking forward to how your new ”toy” shoots.
Thanks for watching the video and leaving a comment. I took the new pistol to the range this morning and was impressed. I should have some video put together sometime soon (by Monday at the latest)
Hay, good video, I’m surprised that you only shot ”24”, I would of been shooting for hours, well maybe not that long, it does get expensive. Seeing you shooting, I’m almost ready to start up again!
I only fired 24 rounds because that is all I had in my range bag. I knew I had some .380 when I left for the range, but I didn’t bother to check how much or to pick up more incase I only had a few rounds. If I would have picked up more ammo, or had more on hand, I would have definitely done more shooting.
While at the range, I did spent a little time shooting 9mm (I had a box and a half in my range bag)
I have the Taurus TCP 380. The only thing I do NOT like about it is that the magazine release is TOO easy to engage and the magazine pops out quite often. Other than that I like the weight, the lightest CCW pistol I have. The other two are the Jimenez 380 and the Beretta Model 20 .25 cal. No complaints with either of these. They are just a bit heavier.
I’ve always been hesitant about Taurus because they seem to get a lot of mixed reviews. Some people love them and others tell horror stories of them never working properly, even after returning from the factory for repair.
The price is very appealing to me, having a limited budget. One of these days I want to pick up a Taurus revolver and go from there. If that experience is a good one, I think I’ll then look into picking up a semi-auto or two.
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