In last weeks episode, I mentioned that I was feeling a bit under the weather and was recording the show a day early. It was a good thing that I did because the following day I woke up feeling like death warmed over. Fortunately, several doses of Nyquil and lots of sleep had me feeling much better.
Between recording last episode and the current episode, I had a pretty busy week. I received a couple of questions about joining the Gun Rights Radio Network, I received a suggestion on expanding the News Segment, and I received an amazing package in the mail from The Cajun Blaze
. I got a little gabby and discussed all of these items at the start of the show.
Show Notes
In The News:
- Beyond Politics: Lets Go Shooting
- Newtown Twp.’s ban on guns in parks challenged
- Gun control hysteria is unfounded
Featured Content:
- Using Pocket Pistols from Shooting Illustrated
- IDPA Whining and Assorted Crap By Miguel at Gun Free Zone
- IDPA Safety Officer Tips by Miguel at Gun Free Zone
Zombie Max from Hornady
Cigar and Drink Pairing:
If you are interested in trying the Nestor Miranda Special Selection Dano
pick up the phone and order from my preferred retailer.Buckhead Cigar
Phone: (404) 844-0400 | Twitter: @BuckheadCigar
| Web: AskTheCigarGuys
Topic of Discussion:
Over the weekend I attended a Pennsylvania Hunter Safety Class in order to be eligible to purchase a hunting license. On the surface, this may not really seem to fit into the general flow of the podcast, however, there was a heavy emphasis on firearm safety and the class did a tremendous job of piquing the interest of young kids. By the time the class was over (12 hours of classroom instruction) the roughly 70 children and 5 adults in the room were safer around guns than when they walked in.
12 thoughts on “Shooting The Breeze Podcast: Episode 11”
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Great show as always Walt, any time I’m mentioned it takes the show to a whole new level!!! Love the local news as well, we are way overdue for a range trip. I was leaning towards the pocket gun idea but now I might be going back to a tactile firearm for more usefull purposes.
Great show again
Don’t get me wrong, I’m very happy with my pocket pistol (Smith & Wesson Bodyguard) but my range gun gets far more trigger time. It is also far less costly to put 50 rounds of 9mm down range than it is .380 ACP, which makes random range trips all the more possible.
Practical Shooting (USPSA in my case) is loads of fun. It is kind of like high speed chess with bullets whizzing about (I’m sure there is a better comparison but I can;t think of one at the moment). You walk through a stage and develop a game plan which allows you to engage all targets quickly. Then, when the buzzer goes off, you need to execute that plan while making good shots on target.
I mentioned it to you on Twitter earlier today, but there is a match the first Saturday of November (Nov. 5th) at Lower Providence Rod and Gun Club (Take 422 East to the Oaks Exit. Make a right and look for the club, after about a mile, on the left side of the road). Shooting starts around 10:00 (I’ll be there around 9:00 ish) if you want to hang out and watch a match.
HuskyOverlord (commented on a couple of posts recently) will be there as well.
Hi Walt, glad you feel better, hate when I have a cold { I now, I’m a baby}. Enjoyed the the show, as always, your going to have me back shooing sure as heck!
I hate it when I get sick but I think my wife hates it even more. According to her, I “act like the cold is going to kill me” or something….. LOL
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Down here in El Paso, Texas and have really been enjoying the Shooting the Breeze podcast. I met Tony Casas (casasfumando.com) at a local cigar lounge and he mentioned you were really getting into the gun culture and told me to check out your site. It is the best of both worlds, cigars and guns. I use to do some shooting in Upper Michigan growing up, but have only made it out a handful of times since high school. Your podcast has really sparked an interest, and I am planning on making it out to the range in the next few weeks. I have a few military friends that are going to work on teaching me the fundamentals of handling and shooting a handgun. Hopefully, in the next few months I will make my first handgun purchase and get my concealed carry license. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for checking out the podcast, I’m glad you are enjoying it. Tony is definitely one of the good guys in the cigar community and I certainly appreciate him mentioning me.
When you start gun shopping, don’t be shy about handling the weapons and shoot as many as you can. Having friends in the military is a great way to try new guns and get some solid education.
Have fun at the range and let us know how it went!
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Hey Walt,
As always enjoyed listening to the Podcast. Very happy you are enjoying the blades. Don’t be afraid of hurting that Spyderco Native 4, it’s really built tough. The Carbon Fiber handle is a thing of beauty and will hold up forever. Spyderco is my favorite all around knife to carry.
Glad you are feeling better, and good luck on the Gun Rights Network.
Have a great week.
I’ll definitely treat the Native 4 like I would any other carry knife, once the Delica 4 is rotated out. It feels like a well made tool. I’m sure I won’t hurt it but I’ll still cringe the first time I use it for something that might scratch or chip it…. lol
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Planning on getting myself and my shooting buddy a box of Zombie Max just for shits and giggles.
I’m going to keep an eye out for the Zombie Max ammo but I don’t think I’ll see it at either of the two gun stores I frequent most (small, mom and pop like shops). I could use an excuse to head over to Cabelas one evening, they are a lot more likely to carry it.
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another great episode!! The knives were awesome!! looking forward to your reviews of them. may have to go hunt down a box of zombies. cool novelty item.
I’m glad you enjoyed the episode. Thanks for checking it out and leaving a comment.