Over the last couple of months, friend and Hunting Mentor, Troy, has been putting a bug in my ear about shooting the 2014 CuRt Peterson Southeast PA Indoor 3D Shootout. The Shootout is an Indoor 3D Shoot that rotates among three clubs over a period of three months. What it boils down to is, while the majority of 3D Archery Programs are shut down for the winter, these three clubs bring the targets indoors and give archers a place to shoot.
I had never attended an Indoor 3D Shoot, mainly because the thought of it was painfully boring. Honestly, how could indoor archery ever replace a scenic walk in the woods? To my surprise, Indoor 3D was much more fun than I anticipated.
Targets were setup is clusters, with props such as faux logs and brush, to create odd angles and tight shots. I found this particular shoot to be just as challenging as shooting outside on a wooded course.
Registration was pretty simple but the shoot itself was a bit confusing. Being my first visit, I had to be walked through the process. Had I attended alone, I would have needed to find a partner to shoot with. Fortunately, I met up with friends and shot with Zena (who outshot me 306 to my 282).
Pairs of shooters step up to the line, shoot a designated animal (which is color coded), then switch positions. Arrows are pulled and scored in the usual fashion before repeating the process. There were a total of 32 targets ranging from 13 to 34 yards. I’m told our line was moving fairly quickly (which I didn’t mind at all) and we were packed up and leaving about 2 hours later.
I walked into my first Indoor 3D Archery Shoot with low expectations and left eager to shoot more. I’m not sure how many more times I’ll be able to shoot at French Creek Outfitters, due to distance, but both Reading Archers and Stowe Archers are doable.
For more information on the 2014 Curt Peterson Southeast PA Indoor 3D Shootout, visit the Stowe Archers Website.

Looks like a good time. Did Zena ever do any videos past episode 5? I’m just getting into archery and I found them pretty interesting.
Episode 5 was the last one that I watched. I talked to Zena and her Dad and both mentioned a second round of recording (Season 2, or similar). I know they did some video on selecting a bow but I don’t think they posted it online yet.
Outdoor 3D Archery starts back up around March / April. If they have plans for recording more shooting videos, I’d imagine they will take place then.
Thanks, Walt!
Hey. Hope to see you at Reading tomorrow for the next 3-D shoot,