Ever since buying a Smith & Wesson Bodyguard, I have been talking about it like crazy. It seems as though people all over Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, and my day to day life are, or were, looking into...
Posts by Walt
Range Report: Springfield XD Sub Compact .40S&W (08/21/2011)
Earlier this week I posted the first of four range trip videos from August 21, 2011. That first video showed me handling the Smith & Wesson M&P. This particular video is much shorter and features the...
The time has come for Episode 3 of the formal Gun Podcast of WaltInPA.com, Shooting The Breeze. I'm not sure how this schedule has worked out that episodes are generally posted on a Tuesday (Aside...
Bright and early on Sunday morning, I decided to pack up my pistols and take a trip over to the local range to do some shooting. I've been fairly busy over the past couple of weeks and haven't been...
A couple of weeks ago I picked up a Smith & Wesson Bodyguard. A few days after my purchase, I headed over the range to give it a try. Knowing that I had some left over .380 in my range bag from when...
This morning I was browsing the Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association Forum when I stumbled onto yet another news article on a Philadelphia Mob Attack. I clicked through the link and watched the...