Gun Rights Radio Network

A few weeks ago I wrote a post suggesting five Gun Podcasts for gun hobbyists to enjoy. In that post I made mention that many of those shows were a part of the Gun Rights Radio Network. Since...

Pistol Packin’ 10 Year Old

Earlier today I was going through Google Reader and clearing out old items that I starred for future reading/viewing. Among those items was a post from Shelley Rae, from Gun Nuts Media, featuring 10...

Amish Gun Belt from Hanks Clothing

All of my life I have been the type of guy that never saw the need to purchase an expensive belt. I always opted for a sub twenty-dollar piece of leather from big box stores. I felt as though these...

Cigar Photography

Over the past couple of weeks I have found myself reaching for my camera more often. It started off with me simply wanting better than cell phone photos of cigars to feature in Week in Smoke posts on...