Title: Random Author: Craig Robertson Published By: Simon & Schuster UK Published Date: 2010 ISBN: 978-1-84737-729-6 Length: 329 Pages Purchased From: Book Depository @ $15.15 The Story: In...
Posts by Walt
This week has been a busy one for me. After having spent the weekend covering the annual Cigarfest Mega-Herf in the Poconos, I was a little overwhelmed when it came time to play internet catch up. I...
Title: Mad Ship Series: Liveship Traders Trilogy Author: Robin Hobb Published By: Bantam Published Date: 2000 ISBN: 0-553-57564-3 Length: 850 Pages Purchased From: Amazon @ $7.99 The...
Since many of my visitors know me from Stogie Review, you are probably well aware of the annual Cigarfest event put on by Cigars International. Just like the last year, I was fortunate enough to...
It's Friday and you know what that means, Fiction Friday! This weeks prompt from Write Anything was "My husband doesn’t know, but he will soon". When I read the prompt, the first two ideas that...
The last few days have been rather busy and coming up with a post idea was difficult. While puffing away on a La Flor Dominicana Air Bender, I stared at my computer struggling to find something to...