Title: Mad Ship Series: Liveship Traders Trilogy Author: Robin Hobb Published By: Bantam Published Date: 2000 ISBN: 0-553-57564-3 Length: 850 Pages Purchased From: Amazon @ $7.99 The...
Posts by Walt
Since many of my visitors know me from Stogie Review, you are probably well aware of the annual Cigarfest event put on by Cigars International. Just like the last year, I was fortunate enough to...
It's Friday and you know what that means, Fiction Friday! This weeks prompt from Write Anything was "My husband doesn’t know, but he will soon". When I read the prompt, the first two ideas that...
The last few days have been rather busy and coming up with a post idea was difficult. While puffing away on a La Flor Dominicana Air Bender, I stared at my computer struggling to find something to...
With no end in sight, I though this story could benefit from a little organizing. In addition to jotting down some thoughts for future entries, I thought it would be worth-while to include a map. The...
This weeks Fiction Friday prompt on Write Anything was difficult for me. The last few prompts caused an idea to spring to mind which I then formed into a story. This time around I spent several days...