In a previous post, I gave you little insight to the childish fun I have at my wife's expense. That post was actually supposed to go in another direction, but since I was happy with the way it read,...
Posts by Walt
"They had no good cigars there, my lord; and I left the place in disgust." Alfred Lord Tennyson, returning from Venice Each and every time I read the above quote by Alfred Lord Tennyson, I...
On a cold January morning, I stepped out my front door and made my way down to my car. As usual, I attached the face plate on my stereo and started the vehicle. I gave the car a couple of minutes to...
I even smoke in bed. Imagine smoking a cigar in bed, reading a book. Next to your bed, there's a cigar table with a special cigar ashtray, and your wife is reading a book on how to save the...
Two weeks ago, I published a post talking about a rather stressful day that I went through and asked how you handled stress laden days. After getting some sleep, I woke up the following day still...
If you are a follower of mine on Twitter or a friend on Facebook, it would be of no surprise to learn that I like to have childish fun around my wife. At times it can be at her expense, but for the...