My Clingy Pit Bull

Pit Bulls are a very special breed of dog. They get a very bad rap, which in many cases they do not deserve. This post is not meant to change your opinion on the breed, but to point out a personality...

My Benefits from Personal Blogging

Some time ago I posted about falling into routines. In that one particular post I talked about how I always seemed to be watching the same re-runs on television before getting dinner started. Similar...

Looking back to childhood places

Not long ago I was at work and found myself with a little time to kill. I was between projects and didn't have anything to get started on before getting the answer that was holding me up. While I...

Books waiting to be read

Over the last couple months, I have been doing pretty well in providing some sort of book related posts once per week. Most often those posts were some sort of book review accompanied by a video of...