Title: Debt of Bones Author: Terry Goodkind Published By: Tor Publish Date: 2004 ISBN-13: 978-0765351548 Length: 160 Pages Purchase From: Amazon @ $5.99 The Story: I first learned of Debt...
Posts by Walt
In this edition of Shooting The Breeze, I discuss the last book of the Sword of Truth Series entitled Confessor. This book also concludes the Chainfire trilogy which includes books nine (Chainfire),...
In this installment of Shooting The Breeze, I talk a little bit about Book 10 of the Sword of Truth Series, Phantom. This book begins to bring the eleven book saga to a close.
In this edition of Shooting The Breeze, I talk about my latest read in the Sword of Truth Series, Chainfire. Chainfire is the first book of a Trilogy which brings the series to a close. This weeks...
A few days ago, my wife called me at work and said that her car was making a loud noise. She went on to tell me that she left the house for work, started her car, and allowed it time to warm up....
Its been a little while since I've read this book in the series, but I immediately recorded a video of my thoughts. While the finer details of the story have become blurred to me since I've continued...