Earlier today I got word from Annette Evans, IDPA Match Director at New Holland Rifle and Pistol Club, that New Holland has released their 3D Archery Program Schedule for the 2014 Season. New...
Posts by Walt
Week 5 of the Stowe Archers Field League has come to a close. Over these last few weeks, I've learned something. I find that I enjoy Field Archery just as much, if not a little more, than I do 3D...
Earlier this year I found myself in a bit of a predicament. I wanted to continue shooting USPSA but factory ammo was scarce and, what was available was rather expensive. If I wanted to continue to...
This morning I was sitting at my desk when my phone buzzed. I glanced down to see that an email had come in through the WaltInPA Contact Form. My curiosity got the better of me and I reached for my...
Over the past few weeks, I've been spending my Friday Afternoons at Stowe Archers. Troy an I have been getting together to particulate in the weekly Field League. This past Friday, however, heavy...
Practical Shooting is a lot of fun. You get to run around, shooting at targets, while competing to see who can be both fast and accurate. There is a place in the sport for all skill levels and it...