Pre-News: Upcoming Burt Schaeffer Memorial Match (Sanctioned IDPA Match) Featuring the Angrypig Shooting Team in the next Podcast In The News: Two Houston schools cancel NRA gun...
Posts by Walt
I like to think of myself as one of the few USPSA Shooters that can discuss IDPA without a negative bias towards my sport of choice. I am a USPSA Shooter first and an IDPA Shooter second. I tend to...
A couple of weeks ago I put together a blog post introducing you to my family's new hobby, Square Foot Gardening. To be honest, I was rather surprised by the feedback I recieved. I mean, for a blog...
Earlier this week I received an email from the Match Director at Southern Chester. I was asked if I had anything in the draft stage to use on the 75 yard range because he had something planned for...
The best part of this USPSA stage was a pat on the back for only getting 2 Mikes
Being told "Good move at the end, though" was the only good thing to come out of my Stage 1 run at yesterdays USPSA Match. Realizing that I was going to get whacked for 2 Mikes at the end of the...
As I'm sure you've noticed, the Shooting The Breeze Firearms Podcast has been on hiatus as of late. I had some issues crop up which left me little time to work on the show. On top of that, I learned...