Yesterday a mass email was sent out by Graham Smith, Match Director at Southern Chester USPSA, regarding the March USPSA Match. This email caused a bit of a stir among some of the local shooters...
Posts by Walt
Over the last couple of months I have been seeing a lot of videos cameras on the range. Unfortunately, hitting YouTube in search of local Match Video has yielded fewer results than I would have...
During the January Ontelaunee IDPA Match there were some issues with wind gusts. On several occasions props had to be pulled out of the mud and re-set so that shoots could continue with the match....
With Winter almost over, the USPSA Season in Pennsylvania is just a couple of short weeks away. To kick off my season, I'll be attending the Lower Providence USPSA Special Classifier Match on...
On the weekend spanning May 18th and 19th of 2013, I will be attending the Burt Schaffer Memorial Sanctioned IDPA Match at Ontelaunee Rod and Gun Club. I am pleased to announce that I will be...
Shooting The Breeze The Formal Gun Podcast of Episode 59 Pre-News: Update on Ontelaunee IDPA - Team Down Zero February IDPA Match at Ontelaunee Rod and Gun Club Working...