Episode 22 of Shooting The Breeze received some fantastic comments and opened my eyes to a subject that I've been thinking about off and on for a while. I decided that while my Beretta 70S was my...
Archives: Blog
The holidays were both cruel and kind to my little podcast. While some much needed time away from my day job was great, I had difficulty prying myself away to work on the podcast. My trend of...
Earlier this month I came across a thread on the PAFOA Forums announcing another informal shoot being held at Oley Valley Fish & Game. I enjoyed myself at the last one and thought I'd sign up and...
This episode comes just a couple of days after a very busy, and pleasant, Christmas week. Featured content and news were a little tough to come by so I used a pair of topics for each segment. I...
During Episode 20 of Shooting The Breeze, I talked about having difficulties with the magazines for my Smith & Wesson M&P. When most people thing about having issues with magazines, the first thing...
Can you believe that, together, we have reached twenty episodes? Twenty episodes may not seem like much but when you associate a week with each episode, it winds up being roughly five months of...