I was a little pressed for time this week and wanted to try and keep my Writing Adventure Group entry short and simple. With my writing normally tipping the scales as over one-thousand words, I...
Archives: Blog
For this weeks Fiction Friday, from Write Anything, I've decided to break the rules. I saw the opportunity to morph two different posts into one when I read this weeks prompt, "I knew it was a...
Over the past several weeks I have been participating in a weekly challenge entitled Fiction Friday. It is pretty simple, each week a prompt is assigned and anyone participating is asked to write a...
Title: Random Author: Craig Robertson Published By: Simon & Schuster UK Published Date: 2010 ISBN: 978-1-84737-729-6 Length: 329 Pages Purchased From: Book Depository @ $15.15 The Story: In...
This week has been a busy one for me. After having spent the weekend covering the annual Cigarfest Mega-Herf in the Poconos, I was a little overwhelmed when it came time to play internet catch up. I...
Title: Mad Ship Series: Liveship Traders Trilogy Author: Robin Hobb Published By: Bantam Published Date: 2000 ISBN: 0-553-57564-3 Length: 850 Pages Purchased From: Amazon @ $7.99 The...