Pit Bulls are a very special breed of dog. They get a very bad rap, which in many cases they do not deserve. This post is not meant to change your opinion on the breed, but to point out a personality...
Archives: Blog
Growing up in the 80's, I like to think that I grew up in the golden age of video games. Sure, the systems now can do some amazing stuff, but I have some very fond memories of the old 8 bit Nintendo...
Some time ago I posted about falling into routines. In that one particular post I talked about how I always seemed to be watching the same re-runs on television before getting dinner started. Similar...
Not long ago I was at work and found myself with a little time to kill. I was between projects and didn't have anything to get started on before getting the answer that was holding me up. While I...
Over the last couple months, I have been doing pretty well in providing some sort of book related posts once per week. Most often those posts were some sort of book review accompanied by a video of...
It has been a good long time since I've done any real ranting. I don't air dirty laundry on the internet, but I'm finding myself highly annoyed as of late from a few things I have been seeing. These...