About Four Years ago, I was approached and asked if I had any interest in becoming the Vice President at Stowe Archers. At the time, I had been spending a lot of time volunteering at the club and,...
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After the abysmal performance that was Day 2 of my Training Program, I wasn't entirely sure what to expect on Thursday when I set out for yet another run. In the back of my mind, I was worried that...
On Tuesday night, I was over at Stowe Archers Club to run the 450 League Finals. My Team was knocked out early so I had a lot of time to kill as the other teams shot head to head. As I was standing...
After I got home from my run on Sunday, the strangest thing happened. Once I was past the point of feeling like I just might keel over and die - I started to feel good. Not just good as in I was...
A little over two years ago, my oldest daughter decided that she wanted to play Soccer. We found a local community league and got her signed up. She was very timid through most of the season but...
A few months ago, I was skimming through Facebook when I came across an EDC Photo (Every Day Carry - It's typically a Gun Thing) from a friend. The part of the photo that caught my eye was the...