A couple of posts back I made mention that I was reading the Sword of Truth Series. After reading the first book, I did a write-up and video about it, Wizards First Rule. Since reading that book I...
Archives: Blog
Last week I recorded a Shooting The Breeze video about a video game I was playing at the time. After the upload, I forgot about it until this morning when I turned on the Nintendo Wii to do some...
A couple of weeks back I was fortunate enough to receive a surprise package in the mail containing a few cigars. The gracious gift came from Thomas over at Duque Cigars down in Florida. This week I...
A few posts back I made a list of all of the television shows that I am currently watching and those that I am waiting to return next season. One of those shows, Legend of the Seeker, is one that I...
Up on the chopping block for the most recent First Impressions video is a cigar that I acquired at Cigarfest 2009. The day before the big event, Jerry and I managed to get behind the curtain and see...
Most days of the week, at about 4:30 PM, I find myself getting dinner started. With my previous work schedule, and my wife's work schedule, it only made sense for the first person home to get dinner...