About three years ago, I signed up for a USA Archery Level 1 Certification through Stowe Archers. The program wasn't very in-depth but it was a great primer for those interested in helping kids learn...
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Several years ago, things were changing in my life. I had a young daughter that was a ball of energy and just loved to do things with her Dad. My wife was in the process of going back to school to...
A couple of months ago, the Stowe Archers 50-Meter League came to an end and there was a bit of a lull in my shooting. Like I always do when I'm between seasons, I contemplated making changes for...
Earlier this afternoon, I was sitting on the couch watching some mindless entertainment on Netflix when a thought struck me - It is nice out, maybe I should run over to the archery club and shoot my...
Way back in 2001, I bought my very first new car. It was a little Mazda Protege with a five-speed manual transmission. I loved that car and had every intention of driving it until the wheels fell...
The other day I was shooting the Stowe Archers 50-Meter League with my teammate when we got to talking about our bow setups. We both shoot an Elite Victory 39 with 6x scopes. I shoot a Viper with a...