At this point in my fitness journey I thought that it was time to make some adjustments. I've been going strong for a little over a month with heavy volume. This style of exercise has served me well...
Archives: Blog
Imagine yourself standing in a crowded room when the person next to you turns and begins making small talk. They make a comment about being a morning person and your mind begins to wander. What...
In last week's Workout Log I made mention that I injured my back. Things were a little better this week and an in an effort to keep it that way, I wound up taking Monday off and stayed away from...
It seems like the more I do these weekly workout log posts, the later they come in the week. My apologies for that - the new baby has been keeping all of us pretty busy and there isn't as much free...
I like to lie to my daughter... I realize that you probably see that as a rather bold statement and probably think I'm a bit of an asshole at this point. I should probably clarify. My daughter is...
Last week I sat down and began outlining a blog post that would take you, my readers, through my workout session for the previous week. Part way through the post I told myself I'd never do it again....