Having only one child (for the time being), there was a point in time where my wife and I shared some mild concern over our daughter socializing. When life threw us a curve ball and we had to pull...
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[caption id="attachment_10503" align="aligncenter" width="620"] Image from Tor Books - http://www.tor.com/[/caption] For the past several weeks I have been slipping away, trying to find quiet...
One day, after school, I was at my Grandparents house playing on their Commodore 64. Out of the blue, my Grandfather got up off the couch, walked over to the closet, and pulled out a long and skinny...
Things have been a bit wet here in Southeast Pennsylvania. In fact, Thursday was the first day we've had here without any rain over the past week. Despite it being a bit chilly, I decided to take...
Wednesday started out like any other day where I work from home. I was out of bed by 4:30am and was down at my laptop trying to play catch-up on a work project. A little while later my daughter woke...
[caption id="attachment_10488" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Photo Credit: www.granpresblog.wordpress.com[/caption] More than two decades ago I remember stepping out onto my fronts steps and...