When it comes to USPSA in my neck of the woods, there are only two realistic options. You can shoot at Lower Providence or Southern Chester. Both clubs have their own style and host matches that are...
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A couple of months ago I ventured out to Hamburg Game Association for my first 3D Archery Shoot in years. I wound up having a great time and was invited out to their weekly 15 Target 3D Shoot on...
Over the past couple of months my daughter and I have been spending time together at Hamburg Game Association. It all started on a whim when I wanted to shoot a 15 Target 3D Archery Course on a...
The past couple of weeks have been very hectic. Last week things came to a crescendo with work projects piling up and the highly anticipated Mid Atlantic Section Championship, at Lower Providence Rod...
Back in the 1960's and 70's, my Father's side of the family was very much an Archery Family. They spent time together at an archery club and enjoyed target archery. As the story goes, as the kids (my...
Thursday Night 3D Archery at Hamburg Fish & Game was bittersweet. I had a great time with my daughter, once again, but this was the last weekday shoot of the year for Hamburg. The 3D Archery Program...