Over the past few years my match photography has evolved considerably. In the beginning, all I really cared about was getting a picture of the written stage briefing so that I had something to...
Archives: Blog
A week or two ago I came across a flyer for a community discussion being held in Media, Pennsylvania. The topic of that discussion was guns and a handful of individuals were selected to speak on...
Yesterday a mass email was sent out by Graham Smith, Match Director at Southern Chester USPSA, regarding the March USPSA Match. This email caused a bit of a stir among some of the local shooters...
Over the last couple of months I have been seeing a lot of videos cameras on the range. Unfortunately, hitting YouTube in search of local Match Video has yielded fewer results than I would have...
During the January Ontelaunee IDPA Match there were some issues with wind gusts. On several occasions props had to be pulled out of the mud and re-set so that shoots could continue with the match....
With Winter almost over, the USPSA Season in Pennsylvania is just a couple of short weeks away. To kick off my season, I'll be attending the Lower Providence USPSA Special Classifier Match on...