Yesterday morning I spent the first few minutes of my day skimming my Twitter Feed. As I scrolled along, I came across a Tweet from When The Balloon Goes Up about Winter Weather Carry. Two things are...
Archives: Blog
Several weeks back I had the pleasure of getting an early look at an upcoming EDC, Range, and Preparedness Gear online store. That store was an extension of When The Balloon Goes Up, owned and...
There is a saying in USPSA that goes something like "If you're moving, you're reloading". On the surface it doesn't sound like much, but trust me, if you shoot USPSA you probably take that saying to...
Jay from the Tantric Shooting Team Takes on the Classifier Yesterday I climbed into my car and began the forty-five minute drive to Lower Providence Rod and Gun Club for their monthly USPSA Match....
After a very long two weeks, I walked to my mailbox and found my PA Antlerless Deer Tags waiting inside. It meant that all of the preparation that I had over the past several weeks would finally come...
During Episode 54 of Shooting The Breeze, I spent a little time talking about how I wanted to give hunting a try. I've been investing a considerable amount of time as of late to selecting a good spot...