
Field Flying
Creative Commons License photoOpens in a new tab. credit: fauxto_digitOpens in a new tab.

Around this time last year I was invited to go down to Gettysburg Cigar Company for a cigar and brandy tasting that was going on for re-enactors appreciation weekend. I thought it would be a great way to see a city that I’ve never been to while learning a little about its history.

I sat in on a lecture given by an actor and was completely drawn in. The actor was fantastic and had a room full of people in full garb shouting and cheering numerous times throughout the reading. One single visit turned me on to the history of Gettysburg.

Since then I’ve done a little light reading and watched a few battlefield tours on the Pennsylvania Cable Network. For Christmas I was given a book on Gettysburg and have every intention of reading it as soon as I can sit outside and enjoy the weather with a cigar in hand.

I just got word that there will be another event at the Gettysburg Cigar Company in the very near future and I’m making plans to check it out. I’ll be bring my camera along to try and share the day with you.

Have you ever sat in on a
Historical lecture/reading?


Hi There, My name is Walt White and as the name of this blog suggests, I am a Pennsylvania resident. In addition to having numerous hobbies that I discuss on my blog - I’m also the father of three little girls and a pitbull.

3 thoughts on “Gettysburg

  1. On top of the USS Arizona, or whats left of it, in Pearl Harbor. Gives you chills. We had a veteran who was aboard tell the story of that day.

  2. Another funny coincidence. Just the other night, I picked up some tickets for my wife and I to go hear a lecture by Dr. Zahi Hawass. ( If the name doesn’t sound familiar, his face probably will. He’s in EVERY recent documentary about the pyramids in Egypt. Really looking forward to it! (Looking more forward to someday actually going to Egypt, but first things first.)

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