Goal for February Met

Isla Verde PR
Creative Commons License photoOpens in a new tab. credit: cogito ergo imagoOpens in a new tab.

After exceeding my goal for January, I was a little worried about increasing the numbers for a shorter month. It seems that I must be doing something right as we exceeded my expectations once again. My comment goal looked like it wasn’t going to be met until I made mentioned of it on TwitterOpens in a new tab. and Brad in BuffaloOpens in a new tab. went on a commenting spree.

I would like to thank everyone for visiting, commenting, and giving
Walt In PA yet another successful month

The Numbers:

  • Comment goal for the month of February: 102
  • Approved comment count for the month of February: 107
  • Visits goal for the month of February: 1,064
  • Visitor count for the month of February: 1,077

Goal for March:

  • Approved Comments: 105
  • Visitor Count: 1,099 (+2%)

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Hi There, My name is Walt White and as the name of this blog suggests, I am a Pennsylvania resident. In addition to having numerous hobbies that I discuss on my blog - I’m also the father of three little girls and a pitbull.

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