Thursday Night 3D Archery at Hamburg Fish & Game was bittersweet. I had a great time with my daughter, once again, but this was the last weekday shoot of the year for Hamburg. The 3D Archery Program at most clubs in the area is winding down and Hamburg is no exception. The last shoot of the year will be held on Sunday, September 8th and at this moment I don’t know if I’ll be attending due to the Mid Atlantic Sectional USPSA Match at Lower Providence.
Regardless if I’ll be able to make the last Sunday Shoot of the year, this past Thursday was a good course. Targets were well placed. There was one target under twenty yards, one at about twenty-four yards, and the remainder varied between thirty and thirty-seven yards.
The first couple of targets were a little challenging for a three year old as we shot downhill and had to trek back up the hill to continue on. I was most impressed with the walking deer target and loved it’s limited visibility. Like every other time I’ve shot the course, it was laid out completely different from the shoot prior.
If you find yourself with a bit of free time on Sunday, September 8th, I would strongly suggest paying a visit to Hamburg Fish & game for their last shoot of the year. The family that runs the shoot are very nice and do a wonderful job of setting up realistic hunting scenarios.
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Once again thank you for the support of our club. We hope you can make the Sept shoot, but if not good luck in your match.