Happy Birthday to Me

Nook and Cigar - 1

Last week I celebrated my twenty-eighth birthday. Ever since turning twenty-one, I haven’t seen birthdays as the exciting days that I used to. I suppose in my youth, each year drew me closer to the legal drinking age. Once I crossed that milestone, there wasn’t anything else to get excited about.

At twenty-five, I received an auto insurance discount but that is hardly something to mark the calendar for. Despite my lack of enthusiasm, my wife loves birthdays. Even though I told her not to get me anything, she did. Not only did she get me a gift, she blew me away with that gift.

After a normal day at work, I came home to a smiling wife and two gifts. The first one that I opened was from my daughter (Obviously a 3 week old couldn’t go shopping but her name was on the gift and I thought it was cute).I smiled from ear to ear at the two My Father brand cigars and a cute monster card.

The second gift was from my wife, a Barnes & Noble Nook. I have wanted one for a couple of months now but couldn’t justify the purchase. She not only got me something that I hadn’t realized I told her I wanted, but she researched several eReaders and double checked with a tech-savvy friend of mine (Jerry CruzOpens in a new tab.).

The Nook came with a joke, “The Nook is actually for the both of us. Now you can continue reading, which I know you love to do, and I’ll have a bookshelf that no longer overflows with Fantasy novels.”

If you are on the fence about getting a Nook for yourself, keep your eyes peeled over the next few weeks because I plan to do a write-up of my experience with the device. So far it has been fantastic, as were the cigars.


Hi There, My name is Walt White and as the name of this blog suggests, I am a Pennsylvania resident. In addition to having numerous hobbies that I discuss on my blog - I’m also the father of three little girls and a pitbull.

2 thoughts on “Happy Birthday to Me

  1. Happy birthday, Walt.
    I gave up celebrating birthdays about my 30th (for some reason, turning 33 was a shocker). Now that I’m 36, I have more fun celebrating my daughters’ birthdays. Seeing little faces light up with excitement is awesome. And gifts from daughters are very special, no matter what it is.
    May your celebrations be long and enjoyable, and in the dwarfish fashion, “May your beard grow ever longer.”

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