Going into this weeks episode of Shooting The Breeze, I was a little nervous. My usual single page of show notes somehow grew to three pages and I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make it all fit.
Somehow, it all worked out and the podcast finished out at about one hour and ten minutes. As usual, you can find both audio and video formats available at the bottom of this post. Once finished with the episode, head down to the comments section and share your thoughts.
Pre-Show Talk:
- Update on the Spyderco Native 4 (Courtesy of Cajun Blaze
- A plug for an Open Carry Dinner being hosted by Buckhead Cigar
in Atlanta
- Some advice from the Unknown Trucker
, from the RoadGunner Podcast
, on my DeSantis Nemisis issue.
- Very interesting episode of Shooting USA which focused on Women’s Training
In The News:
- Lawsuit Challenges Gun Ban in Post Offices
- State high court asked to review gun-ban case
- No Charges Against Store Owner Who Shot, Killed Robber
News Report on Store Owner who Shot Robber
Featured Content:
- Doug Koenig Teaches Speed Loading from AmmoLand
- Got it on Camera from Fill Yer Hands
- When Seconds Count – Video from Youtube
Doug Koenig on Speed Reloading
When Seconds Count
Cigar and Drink Pairing:
- Cigar: Arturo Fuente Anejo
- Beverage: Folgers Gourmet Selections – Lively Columbian Coffee
If you are interested in trying the Arturo Fuente Anejo
Pick up the phone and order from my preferred retailer.Buckhead Cigar
Phone: (404) 844-0400 | Twitter: @BuckheadCigar
| Web: AskTheCigarGuys
Discussion Topic:
Prior to this episode, I was asked to create a Christmas List to be distributed to family. Generally this list contains a handful of low to medium priced items that fall into a few categories. For this podcast, I decided to expand on the Guns and Gear section of that Christmas List and throw out my concern for price.
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Good job, as always,as you enjoy doing this, I enjoy listening. I like your Christmas ”list”.
I’m glad you enjoyed the episode. Thanks for watching and taking the time to leave a comment.
Good show
I have not got a holster for my m&p yet but Im looking at these on line
I like how some of them have the leather on the in side.
That holster looks nice. Are you looking for a holster to use at the range or to carry on a regular basis? If you are looking for an everyday carry holster and aren’t opposed to an inside the waistband, you might want to look into one of the hybrid holsters (Crossbreed, Concealment Solutions, Theis Holster) also.
Thanks for the info Walt but more for just the range and when Im hiking around in the back country.