In what seems to be becoming the norm, I found myself with little free time this past week and wound up putting together my show notes for this episode at the last minute. In fact, it was so last minute that at the start of the podcast I had nothing to use for a discussion topic. As the show progressed, nothing came to mind and I was forced to practically pull the segment from this weeks show.
What I did for the discussion topic, however, was make mention that I would like to do video interviews in the future. The idea is to get a brave soul to join me via Skype and talk about guns. I haven’t come up with a list of topics as of yet, but I really like the idea.
If I can gather a few people that are interested in joining me on the podcast, I’ll be sharing the video in the discussion portion of the show. If you are interested, please get in touch and we can talk about it
Pre-News Talk:
- Update on my first week carrying the Buck Knife as part of my Every Day Carry Gear.
- Another dot Popped out of my M&P Sights
- Recieved an email from the Julie Golob website
regarding the bookmark for pre-ordering her book
In The News:
Featured Content:
- Moscow Open 2011, Level III. Russian IPSC in action.
- Episode 25 of the RoadGunner Podcast: Father Doesn’t Know Best
- Shooting USA Pro Tip: Julie Golob on Dry Fire Practice
Moscow Open IPSC Stage
Cigar and Drink Pairing:
- Cigar: Cain F
- Beverage: Gentleman Jack
If you are interested in trying the Cain F
Pick up the phone and order from my preferred retailer.Buckhead Cigar
Phone: (404) 844-0400 | Twitter: @BuckheadCigar
| Web: AskTheCigarGuys
Discussion Topic:
No topic this episode. Nothing came to mind and I really wasn’t feeling it. Mentioned doing a video call with another individual for use in future episodes.
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4 thoughts on “Shooting The Breeze Podcast: Episode 19”
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Great show Walt, love the news articles, although still looking for Local news events to our area. Not sure if no news is good news haha. the Cain F not my speed way to manly for me. Keep up the good work. Love the Russian shooting matchs
Local news hasn’t been good. 99% of what I’ve been coming across is about robberies and people being hurt or killed. Seeing a self defense story is kind of rare as of late. I routinely look for local news stories and will continue to do so.
The Moscow Open videos were a lot of fun to watch.
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Even though it’s not as long, still another great podcast. I appreciate the time you take to make these happen.
The Buck knife you are carrying is the Buck Bantam Medium 285. I sent that little inexpensive blade so that you could see the difference in how quality knives compare to the lower end knives. Not to say that the Buck Bantam knife is crap, just not the Spyderco Delica or Native.
I also have been practicing reloading in front of the TV since I saw your last podcast. Really fun stuff
About concealed carry laws at gas stations and schools……. well lets just say it’s concealed and no one ever knows if I am carrying or not. I would rather be judge by 12 than carried out the door by 6. That’s all I have to say about that.
It is amazing how much faster your reloads get when you develop muscle memory. When I work on speed reloading drills, I don’t even need to look at what I’m doing anymore. I’d say 6 out of every 10 reloads works out just like it should. The other 4 have me catching the mag on the frame slightly, slowing me down, or has me missing the mag well by a large margin. Over time, I’m sure I can get the number of successful reloads closer to 10 out of 10.
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