Shooting The Breeze Podcast: Episode 8

San Lotano Oval and Smith and Wesson MandP - 1

It is Tuesday once again, which can mean only one thing (aside from a new episode of Sons of Anarchy), another episode of my formal Gun Podcast has gone live. As usual, this episode is just under an hour and covers the usual stuff. Show notes and links for everything discussed can be found below.

I’m still working on breaking that 100 download goal that I mentioned last week. If you would be so kind, do me a favor and click the Facebook, Google+, and Twitter buttons below the article to help spread the word.

Show Notes

In The News:

DSHS Video Mentioned in Podcast

Featured Content:
Cigar and Drink Pairing:

If you are interested in trying the San Lotano Oval
pick up the phone and order from my preferred retailer.

Buckhead Cigar

Phone: (404) 844-0400 | Twitter: @BuckheadCigarOpens in a new tab. | Web: AskTheCigarGuysOpens in a new tab.

Topic of Discussion:

I spent some time with a shooting instructor on Sunday. This was not a tactical or defensive class, we worked on fundamentals that would benefit in my desire to shoot production division USPSA (I plan on taking a defensive handgun class in the future). I felt as though I learned a lot in the short session and walked away feeling pretty good about my abilities.

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Hi There, My name is Walt White and as the name of this blog suggests, I am a Pennsylvania resident. In addition to having numerous hobbies that I discuss on my blog - I’m also the father of three little girls and a pitbull.

8 thoughts on “Shooting The Breeze Podcast: Episode 8

  1. HI Walt, you are really getting into this ”shooting thing”, sounds like your learning your trade, and having some fun at the same time. Looking forward to seeing your next episode, and the cigar’s also!

  2. Getting back to the basics and working the fundamentals is always a good thing, and shooting pistols at 100+ yards is a whole lot a fun. Good show!

    1. Thanks for watching. Shooting pistol at a distance is a lot of fun. You wind up wasting a lot of ammo but it is a good time.

  3. As always great listening to you Podcast. Very interesting news with the guy in the Zoo. I have my CCW license and would never consider carrying open, it just draws too much attention as it did with this guy at the zoo. WOW!! Shooting a pistol at 100 yards and hitting the target that’s amazing. I need to practice that one day, the most I ever shot my pistols were 25 yards. You would love to go out to Hicok45’s place out in TN and do some shooting at the Compound. Hell I would love that too, who wouldn’t. If you are looking at getting a new knife, send me your PO Box, I would like to send you a few to try out as a gift, since I am a collector I really have more than I can use at once. Check out my youtube channel if you get a chance I have many knife videos to look at. It would be an honor to send you a blade or two. Love watching your cigar videos and Shooting the Breeze videos!! Keep dong what you are doing and folks will watch.


    1. Hitting plates at 100 yards isn’t too hard (it isn’t easy but not ‘trick shot’ kind of hard either). It takes a few rounds and you need to be able to see where the bullets are landing (in my case we were against a dirt burn and you could see the bullet impact pretty easily). Once you know where to hold, just press and listen for the steel to ring.

      I’ve watched a bunch of Hicok45’s videos. His range is pretty awesome and the guy is one hell of a shot.

      I watched a few of your videos the other day. You’ve got some very cool knives (and some that look like they would be large enough to fight off a bear with….. lol). I’ll be in touch, thanks for the offer, I really appreciate it.

    1. Yeah, I know. When I looked at the photo after I snapped it, the first thing to cross my mind was “damn, that gun is dirty”.

      I put another 200 rounds through it yesterday. I think today is going to be a gun cleaning day.

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