In this installment of Shooting The Breeze, I talk a little bit about Book 10 of the Sword of Truth Series, Phantom. This book begins to bring the eleven book saga to a close.
Tag: Books
In this edition of Shooting The Breeze, I talk about my latest read in the Sword of Truth Series, Chainfire. Chainfire is the first book of a Trilogy which brings the series to a close. This weeks...
Its been a little while since I've read this book in the series, but I immediately recorded a video of my thoughts. While the finer details of the story have become blurred to me since I've continued...
I want to preface this by saying that the video accompanying this book was done in the heat of the moment. I fired up the camcorder right after I finished reading and the juices of disappointment...
Well, its another week and I've got yet another video for you. This time around I've managed to read the next book in line, in the Sword of Truth Series by Terry Goodkind. Book six is entitled Faith...
During the last video regarding the Sword of Truth Series of books, I mentioned that Temple of the Winds was an excellent read and that I was eagerly looking forward to continuing the story with Soul...