Yesterday I was sitting out on my deck, trying to hide from the blazing sun, when the urge struck me to grab my phone and do a quick recording for Slimming Down Dad. With the sounds of traffic in the...
Tag: Health
This week on Slimming Down Dad I have an interview with Keith Queen. Keith and I have been connected via Facebook for several years and I've always been impressed by his willingness to help anyone...
A couple of days ago I was skimming through my news feed on My Fitness Pal when a status update caught my eye. It was from a new friend that has a focus on strength training. The update contained a...
Just a couple short months ago I found myself in a bit of a dark place. I was depressed about my weight and resolved to do something about it. I thought long and hard about how to make the process...
Slimming Down Dad Short: Meal Plan Cliff Notes with Tom Adcock
Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to sit down with Tom Adcock, an old friend of Stogie Review and the man behind Tom's Cigars, to discuss his weight loss journey on the Slimming Down Dad...
Back in 2013 I was in a position where I felt that it was time to join a gym. My wife was working part time during the day and going to school full time in the evening. Time was at a premium because...