If you've been following along for the past week, you know that my current gym program has come to a close and it is time to start something new. After weighing the options, I've decided to go with...
Tag: Health
Can you remember what it was like on the last day of high school? I don't mean graduation, I mean the actual classroom time? If it was anything like my last day, it was very laid back. The teachers...
This week on Slimming Down Dad, I sat down with Tom Adcock, via Skype, and talked about weight-loss. Tom and I have known one another for quite some time now, thanks to Stogie Review, but we haven't...
Yesterday I mentioned in a blog post that I purchased the book Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. I've been reading that book a little at a time and have to say I'm really enjoying it. The author...
On the average week I find myself in the gym five out of seven days. I have a routine that I follow in both the free-weight and cardio sections of the facility. Some days the routine seems a bit...
Over the course of the last six weeks or so, I've been handling the bulk of the household grocery shopping. I don't particularly enjoy the process but it ensures that I'll have all of the foods on...