Sometime last week I was bored. My wife and daughter were out visiting with my in-laws and I just couldn't muster up the desire to head over to the cigar shop to socialize with the guys. Instead, I...
Tag: Health
Things have been a bit wet here in Southeast Pennsylvania. In fact, Thursday was the first day we've had here without any rain over the past week. Despite it being a bit chilly, I decided to take...
Wednesday started out like any other day where I work from home. I was out of bed by 4:30am and was down at my laptop trying to play catch-up on a work project. A little while later my daughter woke...
Monday after work I did something that I haven't done in quite a while. I threw on a pair of gym shorts, laced up my running shoes, and set out for a little run around the neighborhood. My plan was...
Way back on January 1st of 2009 I sat down and started a blog. At that time I had been blogging for about 3 years as co-founder of Stogie Review. The popularity of that site was growing but I found...
A few weeks back I was talking to my good friend Jerry Cruz and he told me about a Slim Down Challenge that he signed up for at his local Anytime Fitness. One of the aspects that I found most...