Here we are on another Wednesday, trailing a Tuesday evening Sporting Clays outing. As usual, I have a range report ready for you, but this time there is a bit of a twist involved. First, lets talk...
Tag: Sporting Clays
Yesterday, the temperature in Berks County climbed steadily into the mid 90s. With humidity becoming oppressive, I did not want to step outside to let my dog out into the yard, let alone stand in it...
Last week I loaded up my fathers old Remington 870 Wingmaster and headed over to Oley Valley Fish and Game for my first attempt at shooting Sporting Clays. While I had loads of fun, I didn't shoot...
In my previous video, One Step Closer to Action Shooting, I talked a little about joining Oley Valley Fish and Game. The night that I arrived to sign up, the club was open to the public for a weekly...