Over the past couple of months I have been doing my best to regularly participate in creative writing groups across the web. I not only find it enjoyable to write in a fictional fashion, I also enjoy reading from the huge pool of short stories.
Both Fiction Friday, by Write Anything
, and #FridayFlash
, by JM Strother
, present a variety of reading material each week. There is so much content produced that I simply can’t keep up with both groups in a single day and spend time throughout the weekend catching up.
One of my favorite parts of the weekend is waking up early, putting on a pot of coffee, and heading down into my office to enjoy a cigar and read these excellent creations of flash fiction.
Being the author of a small personal blog, I know how frustrating it can be to produce content and not get much feedback. I try to share a little link love each week, on Twitter, and try to get a few more eyes on the pieces I enjoy reading. I don’t share links to these stories hoping to get some return linkage (which would be great), I do it because I genuinely enjoy reading them and wish to share. It is for the same reason that I “Share” links in Google Reader as well.
I find that each week I spend a lot of time looking up Twitter names to include with my links. For that reason, I’ve decided to make a list for myself. On that list, I’ll be including the name of the blog and the Twitter account associated with it. I’m also breaking the list down into categories so that finding a name on the list is a little easier.
While this list may be for my own purposes, I hope you get some use out of it. In the event that you would like to be added, simply leave a comment with the name of your blog, a link to your blog, and a link to your Twitter account. I’ll try to incorporate all of the submissions.
Fiction Friday
- A Fullness in Brevity
– @revhappiness
– @shellihowells
- Annies Musings
– @AnnieEvett
- Drawing Pictures With Mind Crayons
– @thehedgemonkey
- JohnPender.net
– @JohnLPender
- NewToWritingGirl
– @New2writinggirl
- Out of the Wastebasket
– @herrvoice
- The Bank Page
– @ThePiratess
- Crone’s Cauldron Publications – @gracecrone
- Eric J. Krause’s Writing Spot – @ericjkrause
- Future Nostalgic
– @FutureNostalgic
- Landless
– @TonyNoland
- Icy Sedgwick
– @icypop
- J. Dane Tyler
– @DarcKnyt
- Mad Utopia
– @jmstro
- Shadowrites
– @wulfshado
- Sulci Collective
– @ExisleMoll
- Techtiggers’ Soapbox – @techtigger
Writing Adventure Group
In addition to this list of Twitter accounts, I also have a running list of RSS Feeds. After submitting your Twitter name, head on over to my RSS Feed List and submit that as well.
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I really need to get into reading some of the Friday Flash stories. Maybe I’ll start with your list tonight.
It’s really tough, there are so many excellent short stories every week. My process is to first go through my RSS Reader (Google Reader) and they work my way through all the others posted on Twitter.
I generally start with Fiction Friday because its a nice tidy list that I can easily open up with a dozen browser tabs.
The list is in no way comprehensive, those are just the ones I read routinely and had handy. I’m planning on adding on as I read more and more.
Good idea to list these. I didn’t even know about the other two. I’m still pretty new to twitter tho.
I like reading the friday flashes slowly through the week and usually in the morning with my first coffee. I don’t always comment or retweet in the RT style; sometimes I just click the retweet button. I don’t know if the person sees that one. But I do like reading the short stories and learning the craft through the reading.
I started out only submitting stories to Fiction Friday. Their weekly prompt was able to cut through my analysis paralysis and get writing. Wanting to do more, I stumbled onto #FridayFlash on Twitter and was hooked. There were so many fantastic submission that I felt pushed to try and write better.
The first two weren’t enough and I wound up searching out one more in #WAG (Writing Adventure Group). I loved it for turning in on my thoughts and analyzing things around me. I don;t participate as much as I used to because of the new baby (busy, busy, busy)
In regards to RT, that is an excellent way to share links. I tend to run down a list and tweet each one manually, as I read them, which is why the Twitter names come in handy.
What a brilliant idea. Maybe us Fiction Friday/Friday Flash people should all add a category in our blog sidebars just for these links. I know that’s what I’m going to do right now. š
I hadn’t even considered that and think its a great idea. I think I’ll place a link in my sidebar to this list (beats searching for it every week)
Lovely idea, and thank you for introducing me to such wonderful writers on Twitter!
I’m glad I could help. I’ll be adding to this list as I go along. At the time of writing I just added the authors/stories I read and converse with most often.
What I’m loving from the Fiction Friday crowd is the sense of community, encouragement and support that comes, and I’d even say beginning to make friends. I also like it that what I might consider to be rubbish about my writing, others really enjoy. My next step is to hit fridayflash after some editing.
Big shout outs to those who regularly read my work and comment. I love reading yours, too.
The #FridayFlash group really impressed me the first time I submitted a story. I got some great feedback and a lot of support via twitter. I love being able to put a tid-bit of story, or a question, out there and getting some feedback on it. They have been a very friendly group of people.
What a really generous post and seriously supportive idea! Thanks so much. Really glad to “meet” other writers and excited about participating more.
Like you, I’ve met so many great folks on twitter and blogs who are on a writing journey as well. I wish I could keep up with every single one of them, but I’m always waaaaay behind.
I will definitely check out the folks on your list though. I just can’t resist!
I nearly stared submitting my writing to fridayflash, but find I just don’t have enough time to visit the FictionFriday stories, I don’t think I should start on the other until I learn how to organise my time better.
Thanks for including me on your list. I’ve had a list of my ‘Fiction Friday Friends’ on a sidebar of my blog for a while, but I need to update it. Thanks for reminding me about that. Ooh, another bit of procrastinating!!
Hey, another PA writer! @jimbronyaur is in our region as well š
I know what you mean about trying to keep up with the reading, I never seem to have enough time to get to all of the stories I want to follow. I’ve started making a twitter list for serials so I can try to avoid missing an episode.
Thanks for the link to my site!