Took my camera along to a birthday party

Cut the Cake
Creative Commons License photoOpens in a new tab. credit: tlindenbaumOpens in a new tab.

Over the weekend my nephew celebrated his second birthday. I thought that this was a fantastic opportunity to take my camera along and take a few photos. I wanted to make sure that I took a couple shots of each of my nieces and nephews. I figured that this would result in at least one photo of each child that I was happy with.

Throughout the course of the day I did just as I planned. I snapped a few photos of each child. When I began transferring the photos to my laptop the following day, I couldn’t believe that I snapped more than fifty in all.

Once transferred, I started looking through what I had. Most of the photos were perfectly acceptable, but few seemed to capture the moment. Of the more than fifty photos, ten really stood out to me. I took those ten and did some post production work to them (mostly cropping) and began emailing them out to family members.

In the end I spent a fun afternoon with family and came away with several great shots of my nieces and nephews to frame.

The above photo is a creative commons photo from flickr. I didn’t ask permission to post photos of my nieces and nephews here so I didn’t feel comfortable sharing. Maybe I’ll share those photos at a later time.

On average, how many photos
do you take during a family event?


Hi There, My name is Walt White and as the name of this blog suggests, I am a Pennsylvania resident. In addition to having numerous hobbies that I discuss on my blog - I’m also the father of three little girls and a pitbull.

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