Weight Loss Journal: October 21st

Weight Loss Journal - Oct 21 - SelfieWednesdays are kind of hectic these days. After a full day at work it becomes a race against the clock. I have to pick up my daughter, get home, make dinner, and get her ready for soccer practice. After practice we make our way home and get to unwind for an hour before bed.

Having a rest day, mid-week, after two tough gym sessions has been nice. Truth be told, I feel a little guilty for not doing something. Anything would be beneficial, even a brisk walk on the treadmill, but it is tough to gather up the motivation after racing from one place to another after work.

For dinner I had some rice and a whole bunch of salmon. We eat a fair amount of salmon in our house. It tastes good and it has lots of protein. I caved and allowed my sweet tooth to get the better of me while at work. I made more than one trip to the break room for some candy, which had my calories much higher than they should have been.

I’ve been giving a lot of thought to what I’m going to do next month and I think meal prep is going to be the focal point (as well as avoiding the scale). I may also work in some more cardio-strength exercises into my routine since my personal training will finish up this month.


Hi There, My name is Walt White and as the name of this blog suggests, I am a Pennsylvania resident. In addition to having numerous hobbies that I discuss on my blog - I’m also the father of three little girls and a pitbull.

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