If you are into shooting, you are probably familiar with the name Julie Golob. She is a highly accomplished professional shooter with a number of titles. She has appeared on a number of televised shooting programs, which most recently include Top Shot
, Top Guns
, and Shooting USA
What you may not know about Julie Golob (or perhaps you do if you’ve been listening to my Shooting The Breeze Podcasts – Episode 34 | Episode 25 | Episode 19 | Episode 17 | Episode 16 – Wow, after typing up that list I feel like such a fanboi) is that she recently wrote a book entitled SHOOT: Your Guide to Shooting and Competition.
During the winter months, when local USPSA Shooting was on hiatus, I had the pleasure of reading Julie’s book. After reading SHOOT, I recommended it on my podcast and to a couple of personal friends. The few people that told me that they purchased the book, seemed to enjoy it as well.
Fast-forward a few months. I was recently thinking that it would be cool to do a series of contests to help promote the Walt In PA blog and my Shooting The Breeze Podcast. My thought was to run a month long contest, every month for a year. This left me needing an affordable prize that would appeal to a wide range of gun enthusiasts. SHOOT by Julie Golob was the first item that came to mind.
Wanting to do a little cross promotion, I reached out to my good friend Jerry Cruz from Stogie Review
to see if he had any interest in sponsoring the prizes (Jerry and I being co-founders of Stogie Review certainly didn’t hurt) and he was on-board with the idea. A few days later I placed an order for a dozen copies of SHOOT by Julie Golob.
When I was in the process of finalizing the prize, I made mention of my plans on Twitter, Facebook
, and Google+
, and got a message from Julie that she would be happy to sign a book plate for each winner. I was happy to take her up on her offer and add a nice personal touch to the already enjoyable read.
As of yesterday (May 1, 2012), a winner was randomly selected, and successfully contacted, for the month of April. With one successful contest under our belts, lets move right along to the second of twelve monthly contests.
How to Enter:
We all keep a running list of things we want. This list is generally a mental thing and doesn’t come with the pesky burden of justifying the need of the item. A “Things I want, just for the sake of having it” list, if you will.
What I would like to you to do, in the comment section below, is share with us the last gun related item that made it onto your ‘Things I want, just for the sake of having it’ list.
Like the list itself, you don’t have to justify the item to me. I know all about wanting something because it seems cool. If you would like to share with us why you think the item is so cool, please feel free to do so, but there is no pressure to do so.
- All entries must be in by 11:59 PM EST on Thursday, May 31, 2012.
- A winner will be randomly selected and contacted via email before the end of the week.
- The winner has 7 days to claim their prize. After 7 days another winner will be randomly selected.
- One entry per person (multiple entries will disqualify you altogether).
- I’ll be shipping this prize out-of-pocket, so USA and Canada only, please.
Support those that Support Me:
Please take a minute to thank Stogie Review for providing these prizes. You can do that by visiting the Stogie Review Website, ‘Liking’ the Stogie Review Facebook Page
, or by sending a quick thank you via Twitter.
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I’ll kick this one off with something I recently added to my list of wants.
The other day I was contemplating how I could make a miracle happen and attend Cigarfest 2012 on a weeks notice. One of the drawbacks of attending would have been missing a local USPSA match being held the same day. Since there really aren’t many options to replace that match with another, later in the month, I thought about possibly giving IDPA a try.
Thinking about IDPA kicked off thoughts of a more carry-friendly gun that would be similar to my USPSA Production Division G17. The Glock 19 came to mind and before you know it, I found myself wanting one.
Outside of using it for IDPA (A sport in which I’ve never shot), I’m not sure what I would do with it. I already have a carry gun(s) but nothing in a ‘Full Size’ model. Yeah, it definitely makes the ‘I want it just for the sake of having it’ list.
I have had a chance to handle both the new S&W Shield and the SR22. I don’t need either but I would love both.
Ma Deuce. It needs no explanation.
A Chronograph. I don’t really need one, but for some reason I want to to be able to know the velocity differences between guns using the same bullets and how much powder changes makes a difference.
Glock 21 – To shoot in IDPA custom defense pistol after I make master in stock service pistol.
Ruger LCR in .22 LR for a nightstand gun for the wife.
Browning or Berretta Break Open Action Shotgun for Trap Shooting
Benelli M4 or Mossberg 930 for 3-gun
There is a pretty decent list of guns that I want, but many of them are not too hard to justify (either for home/self defense, USPSA/3 Gun, or both). There are probably only two guns on that list right now that really go along with the spirit of this contest (having it just because). The first is the Barrett M82A1. The second fits even better with the spirit of the question you posed: the Mossberg 464 SPX. I know it’s ridiculous, I know it’s tacky as sin, but it’s so quirky and looks so fun to shoot that I wouldn’t mind owning one.
The last thing that popped onto my “gotta have it” list was a front focal plane scope with some type of mil reticle, 0.1 mil knobs, with a 30mm tube, and a “medium” power range, such as a 3-12x. I’m considering the SWFA SS 3-9×44, and the Bushnell Tactical 3-12×44.
The reason I want it is because they expand the capabilites of a rifle system so much, are very easy to use, and the reticle subtensions are valid at any magnification range. Not to mention the fact that my rifle NEEDS one.
A Gen 4 Glock 34 to build into an Open gun. I use my G17 and shoot in Production now, but I want to get back to that experience of something new that I had when I first started competing. I was shooting my G17 against a bunch of 1911 guys, back when 1911’s needed as much work to stay running as an old jalopy. The fact that I didn’t have to clear a malfunction every stage gave me an advantage.
I really want a Gurka Backpack after switching from 180 gr 40s to 200 gr 40s !
There has been quite a bit of talk on forums and blogs (and around the range) about suppressors lately. They have been in my mind, but certainly not a necessary item. Then, I attended a local steel shoot and someone on my squad had brought along a G19 w/a suppressor and allowed me to fire off several rounds. I’m now hooked.
For me, it would serve no practical purpose……but I still want one simply for the ‘fun factor’.
It’s a Desert Eagle because of its price very expensive & it’s a gun I allways wanted when I was a kid, that’s my last gun on my list unless if I win the lotto or come across some money!!!!
suppressor–strictly a want with no need whatsoever
Springfield Model 1871 Remington Navy rifle-a 141 year old rifle that will put me 1 step closer to completing my list of old rifles. (collecting old .50 caliber rifles and carbines manufactured or altered by Springfield Armory from 1865 to 1890)
Barrett M82- HK MP7- Les Bauer Recon… and now back to reality…. a S&W 1911 Tactical to shoot in Single Stack next year.
A S&W M&P 15. 223 caliber
An M16A2 service rifle. Because the Marine Corps branded that rifle into my brain and I’d like to know if after all these years, is it all still there. Blindfolded and in the dark. Good times. I loved that rifle and honestly, I just want one. Just because.
My current tally of gun related stuff I’d like to own includes:
1) a Dillon Super 1050 progressive press – I really have no justifiable reason for such a purchase as I do not shoot enough in any given month to warrant such a purchase – but man, I think it’s cool!
2) a Nightforce scope 12-42x -50 the
3) a gen 4 Glock 34. I own the gen3 model but I think gen 4 fits my hand a bit better?
A Coonan Classic .357 Magnum Automatic
I just bought a CETME for no practical purpose than for Z-Day. π
I want an EOTech XPS2 site!
I want a 1911, just because I want one, I think it’s a cool gun…
M-1A rifle like my father had in the service.
A Ruger Single-Six with both cylinders (.22LR and .22 WMR). Wanted it for a long long time and never been able ot justify the expense for a .22 pistol!
S&W Bodyguard, because it feels so good! Got to handle one hte other day, and despite being a big guy, that little pistol won my heart!
Better question is what DON’T I want…with a 10 month old money is really tight so I would LOVE to get a 5.56mm FN SCAR rifle or their Five-Seven pistol. As far as gear I would love to get a reactive steel target to practice with, one of the new Surefire 60 round magazines or a Lyman 12005 DPX(?) digital powder scale with automatic powder trickler
I recently bought a used S&W 1000 shotgun just because it is a Smith and Wesson!
Desert Eagle .50AE… just because.
Well I’m stuck the I want it just to want it is going to be a G17 since I don’t have a full size 9mm pistol but the I want it cause I feel I need it is a CT Lazor on my XD9mm SC…. hm….
Hi Walt! You StogieReview videos were a big help to me when I started to be interested in the cigars about 4 years ago. Now I’m deep into shooting sports (IDPA) and gun culture and who I find is into that too? You are! LOL!
Recently I handled S&W Series E officer frame two tone. Now I really want one, just because it is so sexy, even though I know it will probably not leave my safe and my normal gun is S&W M&P with Apex parts and Dawson fiber front.
The latest thing to catch my eye was a CZ 75 Single Action. It just looks like a hell of a good time!
I own a Smith & Wesson M & P 9…Love Love Love It. I recently got my conceal carry license and would like to add the Smith & Wesson Sheild to my list for carry option. I also would like to have “SHOOT”, the book. I would like to learn from one of the Best in the business!!
I really want a Barrett M82A1 in .416 Barrett just for the heck of it.
Glock 19
I would love to have a S&W M&P Shield just because it looks like a sexy gun, and I have heard good things about it. And, it’s smaller than my Glock 17 for everyday carry…
I would also love to own a shotgun. I saw a video for what I think was a Benelli semi-automatic that was amazing.
And, perhaps a collection of chromed-out Desert Eagle Pistols…
Weatherby PA-459 12 ga pump wth a skull covered stock
For me that would be a Colt 1908 Hammerless, a M1A and a Star BKM.
I would want one of the AF2011-A1. Double .45ACP. Practical, no. But still it would be something to say you had one…
Anything Class 3, a SBR, full auto, etc. You get the idea.
The M&P Shield would make a nice carry addition.
Suppressors are also on the list. Itβs just being considerate keeping the noise level down for your neighbors. π
I would like a WW2 era 1911
My want just cause.
would be a suppressed 300 Whisper AR15.
that would be bad a##!
Things i want… Take shooting lessons from you, enjoy your blogs, and tweets thank you.
I GAP 308 Crusader, cause I want to shoot 3/8 MOA at 1,000 yards π
I would like a 9mm 1911.
I would like a Benelli Vinci SuperSport!
I really really feel that every stay at home mother of 2, shooting hobbiest needs a Rossi .38 stainless steel lever action. I have been trying to get one for years with no luck. It is the only thing on my want list.
I really would like an HK USC, just for fun!
Being disabled & on a fixed income is so dpressing to me. So my wish list it’s looooooong….I would give any thing for a copy of Julies’s book & a Mossberg 464 Spx lever action .22 cal zombie killer.!!
The next gun related item I want is actually a book by Bryan Litz/ Applied Ballistics for long range shooting! Books have been my focus lately to help me learn more about shooting. So in relation I’ve also look at Julie’s book as well!
Thank you,
Ray Porthen
Insights Training Center
Recently I put the new M&P Shield 40 on my list, but I had to start over when I went a bought one last week. π It’s a good problem to have I guess. So next on my list would be The Judge by Taurus.
The thing that just made it to my want list is: A shot timer so I can practice more with reloading my shot gun and also check my handgun training for 3 Gun events that I just started shooting. Thank you for the offering of the book.
The most recent edition to my “want list” is a brand new pink Cricket 220 .22lr for my 6 year old daughter “AG” so I can introduce her to safe, fun target shooting! Share the sport!
I wish I had a steel plate rack, the ones that reset with the pull of a rope…so I could practice shooting steel more!!
A winner has been randomly selected.
Congratulations, William Rente.
Simple things amuse me. I want a Walther P22